Other Writing

Shotgun Marketing Blog

Sometimes funny, sometimes cynical, but always on the mark. The Shotgun Marketing Blog features rants & raves, commentary, and a fresh outlook about today’s marketing landscape from Chris Houchens.

Change This

Normally, when you think of someone writing a manifesto, you think of a loner sitting in a cabin, stockpiling toliet paper, and plotting against the government. But, thankfully, that’s not always the case.

National marketing guru Seth Godin worked on a project in 2005 called “Change This”. It’s a website where selected people are invited to write manifestos about all sorts of things that need to be changed or rethought.

As they say on the website, “Change This is creating a new kind of media. A form of media that uses existing tools (like PDFs, blogs and the web) to challenge the way ideas are created and spread. We’re on a mission to spread important ideas and change minds. ”

Marketing needs to be rethought and my manifesto called "Does ANYONE know how to market (and will anyone care)?" is a top download on this website. Please download it…e-mail it to friends…and spread it.

Freelance Writing

Chris has written numerous articles about marketing, business, media, and other subjects for various and sundry newspapers, magazines and trade publications. If you are interested in hiring Chris to do writing for you publication, email Chris today.